Popular music has the effect of drawing a crowd. This promise of emotional delivery presents a type of sales pitch for the soul. The christianisation of this effect is manifested in new genres such as “inspirational”. This inspirational experience is dissimilar to Christian worship. Whereas emotionalism is reactionary to concepts and scenarios in the mind, true Christian worship opens the door to the possibility of experiencing the true joy that Christ Himself experienced.

The substance of things hoped for, that is, faith which is not energetic effect, is transferred to the soul via the chalice. The psychological powers that Christ possesses are not subject to the effects of the material world nor the imagination. Spiritual Vision, which interprets metaphysical phenomenon and substantial energy, is lacking in weakened souls. It is this lack which clouds the soul’s reality and affects her clear judgement.

The “worship service” so-called, of the heterodox fails to discern this spiritual context. The realness of the experience is based on manipulation, lights, tone, and fog machines. These indicators rely on coercive technology, revealing their energetic dependency on externals.

The icons in the Orthodox Church are not these manipulative tools. Nor is the incense and chanting. These icons are the seeing eye charts for the spiritual optometry, which communicate to the soul the appearance of her Bridegroom. Rather than engaging the imaginative faculty, concepts, theories and scenarios are shattered by the reality of Christ’s Presence in the chalice. He, being the fullness of creation, communicates to lost souls in real time, filling the earth with the knowledge of him. This knowledge is not based on facts, reason or concepts in the mind, but rather, this knowledge is the Original Psychological energy which frees the soul from these impostors. Once the soul experiences substantial energy, the hollowness of emotionalism’s nostalgia is revealed.

The jar of pure nard which was offered to Christ is what the Orthodox Church brings as a fragrant offering. The incense is dissimilar to the fog machine. One is an appropriate gift in piety and the other is designed to manufacture the illusion of glory. The therapeutic effect of frankincense is well documented. These offerings are acceptable to Christ because they heal His beloved with that which was put on Him and purified, being energized by the flesh and blood of God.

The modernists occupy themselves with novel and new modalities in the search for meaning and true philosophy. Emotionalism is a rock concert which overpromises, confusing the soul with various affections. Philosophical impurities enter through the imagination and animate the lifeless. This is the opposite of psychological freedom. The enfleshing of Christ and His Presence is not a figment of the imagination, but rather, the greater reality that is to be revealed. While the True Worship of Christ that the Orthodox express is indicative of the Presence of a stable Metaphysic, the sand-like phenomenon of megachurches sway the masses in an emotional appeal. While Christ offers an awakening from the illusory and deceitful experiences of this life, the heterodox confuse substance with material affections, worldly glory that is dependent on the material outcome.

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