The luciferian light

The false metaphysic, which appears as the True, is the luciferian light of the intellectual. Entering through a pseudorational and superficial path, appearing brilliant, this false hope promises peace and security for a price. This noetic salesman with his foot in the door, leverages your thoughts against you, all the while convincing you of your brilliance for connecting the dots.

The false enlightenment of Europe bolstered this pseudorational mind, securing the weakness of the souls of nations. The True Intellect, which is the Light Who gives Light to all men, was traded for a bowl of stew, the spiritual inheritance was lost through an alliance with the stomach. Pragmatism, which is accomplished with the British sophism, “one can be so heavenly minded they can be of no earthly good,” dominated the mindset to set the mind upon earthly and material things.

The domination of the material, which is accomplished by teaching children there are 5 senses, not 6, is what the luciferians wish to accomplish. The weakness of the rational mind, her material experiences, this achilles heel of the soul, drags humanity down through naturalistic pseudophilosophy. The illusion of scientific consensus, the appearance of Galileo’s triumph over “religion”, the pseudoscience of Darwinism, the ink blots of Freud, all these present the luciferian light of the pseudorational mind, the intellectual’s separation from the lamp of the soul.

The false metaphysic of self-reference, this noetic house built on sand, has taken out an insurance policy of money printing. Fear of poverty is cemented in the mind via a man-made potato famine, a history book saluting the glories of communism, and an ideologically charged english language. This psychological operation in the West is a sophisticated attack, sophisticating with sophisms and sophistic instruction.

The convulted way the salesman slides in should alert the homeowner of being penetrated. He’s at the front door, but his mind is at the back door, not wanting to appear as an intruder. The rationalist denies the soul in the name of the common good, asking you to give up your firearms for safety reasons because he doesn’t trust you, and that means you should trust him. This luciferian mind is brilliant to the narcissist, who wants to appear good but cannot shine in like manner.

The contradictory and deceptive manner in which the intellectual operates is not the True Light of the Intellect. The True Intellect perceives true power, dividing metaphysical light from Darkness. The darkness that overcomes the intellectual is very great, appearing as light by borrowing her appearance in mimicry. This denotes the absence of authenticity, and thereby, by definition, an impostor.

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